Saturday, June 26, 2010

Preschool has taught me a lot

Preschool has taught me the alphabet and numbers, the days of the month and week, my colors, how to put on my shoes and socks, how to bake, how to share.

Plus, I can reason. Boy, can I reason. My Daddy gives me adequate answers to my "why?". Mommy asked me why these grapes don't float in my glass of water whereas my ice does. I told her, "Because the grapes don't know how to swim!" Right?

June 24/10 - I graduate too!

I've been going to preschool for the past 6 months and it was my last day yesterday. I guess I don't graduate to Kindergarden like the older boys, but it's the year end. We made books for our parents.

Here are my teachers:

Afterwards, we went for lunch. The restaurant must have know I'm a big girl now. They gave me cranberry, apple and pineapple juice! Daddy had a mojito and Mommy had a raspberry bitter.

June 24/10 - DiDi Graduates from Swimming

It's the end of the school year and DiDi has graduated from swimming. They get to play on the tower on the last day. DiDi can jump from the top.

DiDi's Bleach Baths

So DiDi's skin eczema has improved a lot. The doctor recommended bleach baths .... yes, BLEACH! But, before you get worried....he gets a teaspoon (5mL) if bathing in the sink and an ounce (30 mL) if bathing in the big bathtub.

It's been great at keeping the scaly patches from getting red and oozy. The non-dairy and non-soy diet plus steroid ointment helps keep those itchy patches from coming back.

Plus, it keeps all the bathtoys super clean.


I've found a really good use for my bike helmet. See the castle that DaDa and I built? Guess what I'm going to do!!

Playing after Dinner

Now that the days are longer, we get to play at the park after dinner. Mommy says it helps us get to sleep. DiDi and I have been looking for pinecones, leaves, sticks and pretty buttercups.

June 22/10 - I'm learning to ride a bike

Thanks for the bike, Auntie V and Uncle E! It's a very cute bike with tassles and training wheels. DiDi just gets to watch me try to pedal.

June 22/10 - Bye Bye little red car

Mommy's little red car is gone! It's gone to the new retina fellow, after sitting in front of the house for the past 5 months, unused. It's from 1990. I think she was trying to save it for me when I got old enough to drive. Silly mommy. I'm driving DaDa's car.

World Cup Starts

The World Cup started. It's great! Just like the Olympics. We get to watch TV. DiDI likes sitting in my little red chair. I get to watch on the couch with DaDa. The vevezulas tend to put me to sleep.

May 30/10 - iPhone and iPad daze

Mommy has put me on restricted iPhone and iPad usage. They came home from their Boston and NYC trip with a lovely giant iPhone. She says that I become a zombie when I play with it plus, Didi and I don't share very well with them.

DiDi should concentrate on learning to feed himself rather than play with these items. I'll take care of the iPhone and iPad. Haha... they got us two. We win.

My Hello Kitty room

I take a lot of photos these days. In fact, the other day, I showed MahMah how to use her camera.

As you can see, I like Hello Kitty. I have lunch boxes, blankets, T-shirts, stuffed animals and stickers. Thanks eveyone for the cool birthday presents, especially Uncle A for the blankets and pillows!

Below are a selection of photos that I took.