Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy new year! But, I'm tired from all these festivities. I think I went to bed after 9:30pm each night.... way past my bedtime.

With all this time inside due to the cold weather, I'm ready for swim classes again. I have both my swimsuits on today. And, as you can see, I can climb things very well now .... such as this bathtub.

Holiday visitors

Mommy and Daddy had a few visitors over the holidays. Julianna, Lauryn, Meagan and Matthew came to visit. Uncle Dave and Auntie Hamin were in town from Detroit.

It was too snowy and wet outside, so we stayed in.

Auntie Cathy couldn't bring Eddy or Ben 'cause they were sick. So, they missed out on the pancake and ham brunch.

Onto the Next Course

For Christmas Dinner, we went with MahMah and YehYeh to Uncle Kei and Auntie Eliza's. Wow, look at the food!

Thanks for sharing your toys, Annabelle!

Happy holidays everyone!

Let the Eating Begin

We first went to PorPor and GongGong's for Christmas lunch. There was more snow!

PorPor made a huge lunch with turkey and trimmings. I got my plate of turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce too.

I'm still enjoying my soymilk from a bottle. I'll drink water and soup from a cup, but I prefer my formula this way.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Day and wow, the tree is decorated!

Ooooh, I finally got an alphabet floor mat and some alphabet bathtub toys. I'll help set it up.

Daddy found some funny letters in the bathtub package.

Whew! I'm tired. Dolly and I are resting.

OK, on to the fun part. Let me open some presents!

Hi Doggy! You get the paper after I'm done with it.

December 2008 - My First Photos with Santa

My parents took me to my "Santa visit". Who the heck is this guy and why is he so scary?! There's no way you're making me sit on his lap!

I'm not letting go Daddy!