Saturday, August 9, 2008

Auntie Vickie and Uncle Eric's 08/08/08 Wedding

Auntie Vickie and Uncle Eric had their wedding on the lucky day of August 8, 2008. It was a beautiful day for a wedding. Sunny and breezy. Cousin Annabelle was the prettiest flowergirl.

Cousin Annabelle brought her doggy. He had on his tuxedo bow. CBC Television came to interview Uncle Eric about the special day.

Oooohhh, look at all the flowers.

I want up on the stage!

Hahahaha.... I'm sure Auntie Vickie won't mind me dancing up here.

Here she comes!

Let's go! I'm getting a little tired.... especially after looking loudly for the doggy in the chapel during the ceremony. Sorry Auntie! Thanks for letting me attend!

New Eating Venue

Mommy, I'm tired of eating in my high chair.

I think your stepstool is a perfect alternative. See how it holds my food at the right level?

And of course, you can sit on the floor to feed me. So convenient!

July 2008 - Weathering the Heat

It's finally hot in Vancouver....a whole 27 degrees C! It's almost the end of July. I've got my private sprinkler in the backyard. Here I am, putting it out in the middle of the yard.

And, of course, we need to water the flowers and grass. I like getting completely soaked during the process. See how nice the garden looks since May?

I'm slowly learning how to climb up stairs just like the adults. I have to put away the sprinkler --otherwise the squirrels, cats and skunks will take it over while I sleep.

Going out for dinner again!

On the same week, I got an invite to my Great Aunt's 70th birthday party at a chinese restaurant. Boy, I must be behaving well these days. I was very shy. Mommy and Daddy brought the playpen for me as well. It was a late night.... well beyond my usual bedtime.

I like using the same utensils as my parents. So, I got a spoon for this papaya.

But, I've figured out that if I just pick it up, I get to nibble faster. For the shark's fin soup, I liked it so much that I get picked up my bowl and drank directly from it. Messy, but yummy!

BBQ at Emily's Place

We had a full day. After Jackson's birthday party, we went to Uncle Grant and Auntie Michelle's house for ribs. Emily shared her toys and food with me. So much fun!

As you can see, we're hugging, but I'm not letting go of those yummy banana and strawberry treats. Thanks for having us over!

Jackson's 1st Birthday Party

I went to Jackson's 1st birthday day party. What a great time at the MSAC. There were babies everywhere. The theme was rubber duckies.

Mommy..... I can't reach. I would like a cupcake please.

Mmmmm..... icing sugar frosting. Perfect fuel for playing in the bouncy room.

Hi Gavin! Want a ball?

Happy birthday Jackson! Your mommy and daddy did a great job. Daddy and Uncle Keith were in Science together. Auntie Tanya and Mommy work together. Small world!

I'm pooped! Time for a nap.

After I take a sip from my party hat 'tho.

Auntie Sabrina and Uncle Dan visit again!

Auntie Sabrina drove up from San Diego to visit. She and Uncle Dan were on their way back to Nova Scotia.

They brought me a San Diego zoo T-shirt. Don't I look like a little kid here? I'm quietly contemplating how to get to the parents' laptops. Did you know I can change their settings? Hee, hee....

Nothing happening over here. Move along, move along...

July 14, 2008 - Slightly Clingy, What's Up?

I came back from swim lessons in a pretty good mood.

But, I wanted to be held and hugged more than usual after the 3rd day.

It turns out I was coming down with roseola. Mommy put me in the community playpen at the swimming pool to change and another baby touched me! He then missed the next few classes.

After 3 days of a nighttime fever, the classic rash came out over my trunk, tummy and back. All I did for the next week was sleep and sip fluids. Tylenol was my friend. Yucky childhood illnesses.