Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13/2012 - Graduation Day

I'm getting my junior kindergarten granduation certificate! Here is my headmaster.

Mommy and Daddy think this picture of me is hilarious. Apparently, they have never seen me sit still nor sit like this. Didn't you know? This is the proper way to sit when wearing a skirt!

These are the actual photos... with my classmates beside me.


Here are 2 of my teachers: Ms. O and Ms. S -- we presented the scrapbooks to them as thank yous.

At the beginning of the luncheon, this is how the jellybean/dipped pretzel treat dish looked. I think we are doing quite well with controlling ourselves.

Here is the jellybean tray now.  More takers and more rowdy.

We are getting more squirrelly as the ceremony goes on.

Here is my main teacher, Ms. S! Thanks so much for the year! Mommy said I never once said that I didn't want to go to school this year.

DiDi and the other younger siblings enjoyed the snacks. DiDi was very good.... he only ate and touched things after asking Mommy and Daddy. He really enjoyed these tortilla chips and NOT the dip. The jellybean platter was looking worse for wear by now. No more dipped pretzels.  At one point, Daddy overheard the teachers discussing how  to secretly remove the tray all together.  We brought the juice boxes.  Hee, hee...


Have a wonderful summer!

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