Friday, November 5, 2010

Hallowe'en - Part 2, the Night Trick or Treating

Hallowe'en at night was even better. I gave out treats all night! We put out our pumpkins and waited for the kids to come. DiDi actually picked out all the lollipops and glow bracelets out of the treat bowl.... he meticulously put them into his empty pumpkin.

We gave out 900 pieces of candy and 150 glow sticks. It's super busy around our place.

Daddy carved my favourite, Hello Kitty!

I dressed up quite warmly before going out to trick or treat. Somehow, putting on a fairy costume over jackets, boots and hats doesn't seem the same. DiDi truly became a bat or fruit fly in his blue jacket.

We ended the night at Ingrid and Toby's house, for an evening Hallowe'en party. Thanks for the invite! We were soooo tired. Good thing that school was cancelled on Monday. It was a Pro Day. I guess the teachers didn't want to deal with our over-sugared, over-tired little selves. :D Until next year!

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