I tried very hard to be good at sharing my toys. I just wouldn't let anyone into my party ballroom, as shown in this picture.

But, when the bouncy room arrived, I was flabbergasted. I didn't have to worry about sharing any of my toys. Everyone just wanted to play in the bouncy room.

It was a madhouse of screaming, running little kids. What fun! I wonder why Mommy and Daddy started serving wine and beer at 11am?

DiDi wasn't too excited. He thought sitting on MahMah's lap was just fine.

I had a lunch of banana muffin/cupcakes with sides of hotdog, chips and watermelon. The icing was great too. Mommy -- what is this great stuff called sugar? You've been holding out on me.

At one point, everyone stopped and Mommy came out with this giant Nemo! Everyone sang to me.... "happy birthday to you....."

We took lots of pictures outside and inside the house. I wouldn't hold still for any of them.

Hmmm... I think I need another cupcake. Just reaching over to the cupcake tower inbetween pix.
The excitement got to a few of my friends. Some were scared by the noise, some had a tantrum before leaving and some smiled and gave me a hug. All of us were pooped by 1:30pm. I lasted until 3:30pm at which point I konked out from exhaustion.
My guests were so kind, bringing me so many birthday presents. Thanks for coming over and celebrating with me!
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