The community centre has a children's class for 1-4 year olds. Mommy signed me up for 2 sessions per week. I get to explore all the slides, castles, scooters, play dough and glitter I want.
It's open gym so everyone has to bring an adult. After only 1 week, Mommy was surprised to hear that I've learned to yell "miiiiiiine!!!" while putting a death grip on a toy. The grandparents have seen me grab other kids by their shirts to stop them from playing with "my stuff". I typically yell at them while doing this. And, I've got a castle there to hoard interesting things (like that plastic chicken drumstick) and will stop other children from entering it. Gee..... I'm only learning from the other kids. Those 4 year olds will run you over if you're not careful.
MahMah, YehYeh, PorPor and GongGong get the pleasure of taking me each week. Mommy and Daddy hope that I learn to play better.

At the end of each session, we all sit and sing a song. See how many strollers are in the background? It's kid-city, especially on a rainy day when the playground is too messy.

I can find a comfy chair and read.

They have tons of playdough to make squishy blobs and cookie cutter messes. I bet it tastes good too.
I have a buddy that I met at swim class. We love playing together and I'll definitely share my toys with her. Mommy thinks I like her because she looks like Dolly.
There's cookie and juice time. I don't get the attraction of juice. My "juice" always tastes and looks like the water I get at home.
I get braver with each playtime. See how far away I've wandered from GongGong during this snack time?
Seeing this many kids in an enclosed space, Daddy knows will never go. He calls this his version of hell. (He loved the echoing screams of children when he went to the Kerrisdale Play Palace during a rainy summer day.)

After a good morning, I'm perfectly pooped and ready for a nap. Hmmmm... was that the goal?