Monday, April 21, 2008

April 20, 2008 - Vancouver Sun Run

My first Vancouver Sun Run - 10 km, with 65 000 people lined along Georgia Street. Luckily it didn't snow like the night before.

We were in the stroller section... ie. back of the bus. We got herded to the start line just as the Ethiopians were crossing the finish line.

The only way to travel.

See what I mean? Naps, my cuddle blankie, I even had a cooler in the back. Some other kids had the double wide jogger -- they got to roam around in their own living room during the run.

Mommy and Daddy actually did it. Their first Sun 1.5 hours. Mommy's attempt for a slushie mid-run didn't slow us down at all.

Good going Daddy! High five.

Now, please make way. I want your post-run bananas and chocolate milk.

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