Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Daddy!  Happy birthday to you!  Even Uncle T and Auntie J came to visit.

Now, is that my loot bag?

Swimming Clips

Here are some short videos of us swimming! We have been trying very hard to learn all the skills. I'm a SEAL and DiDis a STARFISH.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Mar 29/2012 - Having a Sleep Over

DiDi and I "practiced" sharing my room tonight, to get ready for Uncle T and Auntie J's visit (and stay in DiDi's room) over the weekend.   DiDi had his mattress on the floor and fell asleep there. But when Mommy came to check on us, DiDi had crawled into my big bed half way thru the night. Looks like we can share.

My rationale... why we aren't going to Hawaii anymore

I have thought it over very carefully and believe that we can't go to Hawaii anymore. Hear me out!

Our Skating Lessons

DiDi is getting better! Take a look.

I'm still going fast, as always.

Having lunch with Uncle R and Auntie R

We always get to play after lunch!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21/2012 - Angry birds!!

Didi playing angry birds, old style.  He lines them up and catapults the birdies into the pigs.  He is now back to normal after his hospital/allergy scare.  Hurray!  His Epi-pen kit hangs in a red medical bag, in our TV room.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 20/2012 - DiDi's Anaphylactic Shock Scare

DiDi had a severe allergic reaction to something today.  We are not sure what he touched, because he was playing in the living room when it happened.  It happened so quickly, in about 15 minutes.

He got very itchy, turned bright red, developed huge lumpy hives/rash on his body and had trouble breathing.  He became very drowsy. Mommy rushed him to the Children's Hospital.  He had a lot of help from the doctors there.  He got injections, inhaled medicine and medicines by mouth.  He stayed there for 8 hours.

Luckily, he came home OK.  We now own an epi-pen and it goes everywhere that DiDi goes.  DiDi's preschool has one too.  Everyone around him gets lessons from Mommy on how to recognize the signs of a severe allergic reaction if it happens again.  Everyone got taught how to give the Epi-pen injection to DiDi.

If it happens again, DiDi gets an Epi-Pen injection into his thigh right away.  Then, we call 9-1-1 and get him to the hospital within 15 minutes.

No more exposure to cow's milk (milk, milk powder, casein, whey, lactose, lactic acid, butter, cream) or soy (soy beans, soy lecithin, soy bean oil, soy protein).  DiDi had an appointment with the Pediatric Allergist and Immunologist who determined that he is also very allergic to PEANUTS and TREE NUTS.

So, we are very careful from now on.

Homemade pizza

Didi had a dairy and soy free pizza! He is allergic to these things and can never have the store/restaurant pizza. So, we made our own. Trader Joe's had a dairy free, herb oregano pizza dough. Mommy topped it with back bacon, romaine lettuce, organic tomato sauce and sunflower seeds. Didi can actually eat it!
My pizza contained low-sodium Italian salami and pepperoni. Yummy! Mommy loves shopping at Trader Joes.
I covered my pizza with cheese. Daddy helped and put on lots and lots of salami and pepperoni.

Play dough, always a favorite!

We found the play dough again. It's so entertaining. We spent hours making cookies, duckies, dolphins, trains etc.

March 17/2012, St. Patrick's Day and Happy birthday uncle A

It's the same day as St. Patrick's Day. DiDi calls these shamrocks, "broccoli"

Dressing up!

I found my jewelry box again. Like my decorations?

Tool time for DiDi

DiDi is really keen on using his tool bench and kit.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 6/2012, a take on Picasso's self-portrait

We are learning about Picasso and his artwork this week. We did our self-portraits. Mommy is impressed with my painting, but scratching her head about my blonde hair. She keeps on saying "Damn, Barbie!"  But I like it.

March 5/2012: To Paris We go!

My preschool art project today, a Parisian diorama.  We made french bread and had it with the grape jelly I made at home in the fall!

Feb 26/2912: Didi's first ice skating class

Didi is looking pensive. They spend the entire first class sitting on the ice...trying to get up.

Yummy Fries....what all kids seem to like

Mommy found Didi happily munching on leftover fries... After he finished his dinner and dessert. He left the wine alone.

Feb 26/2012: Canuck Family Skate at Roger's Arena

We met Fin!

Come on! You can get up! Well, not really.

Actually, these are Olympuses, not Zambonis. So the man tells us.

We had hot chocolate, popcorn and gummy bears after skating. Yum!! I love salt.

I love painting my toes. I have my first customer!

Hold still Didi! Let this first coat dry first.

Funny Stuff

Mommy thought this was funny.

Our take on the poster.

Mommy's success in putting us to bed

Mommy isn't so successful putting us to bed by herself.

Feb 14/2012: Mad Hatter's Tea Party at Preschool

We are making hats out of newspaper.

I like sitting at the head of the table. I can watch everyone in one glance. Teaching this to Didi.

Feb 10/2012, Princess birthday party at Chloe's

At Chloe's 3rd birthday party! That's Cinderella. Didi was the only boy. He was looking for sticks and balls.

Face painting at Mack and Ryder's birthday party

Jan 25/2012: Happy 3rd Birthday Didi!

DiDi turned 3! What a big boy!  We created a bouncy castle gym at the community center.  DiDi got tired really early as he just ran around at full speed right away.  He needed a rest, and then he joined us again.