Now we haven't been able to see the medals on display at the Canadian Mint Pavilion. But, Auntie L works for Teck, the makers of the medals and she was able to see them in person at their big party for GOLD medalist, Alex Bilodeau. Here are her photos. I can't wait to touch one. What's the wait..... 6 hours?
I got to be front row and centre for the nightly 6 pm Robson Street ice rink Mascot show. There's Miga, Quattchi and SueMe. Hahahaha... SueMe. I was very scared of the Quattchi... I don't like him.
The line up for LiveCity Yaletown was 60 minutes and stretched along 3-4 blocks, from the entrance of David Lam Park, almost all the way to the Burrard Street bridge. No thank you. We went to Yaletown to play at Yahoo. They took over Yaletown Mini. I scored a Wrigley's mascot toque, a Yahoo cowbell (Daddy will love that) and pictures!
Robson Street is a big party! We went to the CTV street booth and had "green screen" photos taken. I think I took another nap. DiDi apparently got balloons to play with. There's so much to see and do for free! We also went to the Robson Square ice rink to watch gymnastics and people skating. I have to bring my skates with me to skate with Daddy.
The city is full of people and places to visit. We went to the Bell Ice Cube and saw one of the 2010 torches up close. We also got free Bell earbuds. I'll add that to my collection of Ipod Shuffle components.
We went to MahMah and YehYeh's house for dinner right after skating. Boy, was I tired. I slept for 3 hours after the event. Dinner was delicious! So much food. Thanks MahMah!
It was DiDi's chinese birthday too! He was born on Chinese New Year's eve. So, we celebrated again today. Yummy mango and strawberry mousse cake!