Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hanging Out

DiDi is more and more interested in my food. Here we are, hanging out with Daddy. I'll share my banana with DiDi.

DiDi likes all things right now. His fast fingers grab everything and put them straight in his mouth. He even tries to grab my toes.

Ni Hao! Labour Day and it's back to school

I got new running shoes from MahMah and YehYeh for back to school and they look like me. Hahahah... Ni Hao the cartoon, with Kai Lan. Mommy calls her "Gai Lan", ie. chinese vegetable. Like my ponytails? DiDi certainly doesn't recognize me when I have them up.

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Mommy's Med 10th year reunion, Sept 6/09

Well, Mommy is officially old. She had her 10 year med reunion over Labour Day this year. It was one big kids' party! Nevermind the adults, we had the bouncy castles and clowns. Add juice boxes at kid level and hotdogs, I'm in heaven. Jackson, Ingrid, Toby and Sophie were there too.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

August 2009 - Kerrisdale Play Palace

Sorry for the delay in posting. Mommy had laptop troubles all through August until now, again. She finally loaded up her new VAIO. It's about time, Mommy! So more pictures to come.

I'm burning off extra energy at the Kerrisdale Play Palace, open only during the summer. During the winter, the center converts back to an icerink. This summer, I can climb and jump much faster. We go during the toddler-only times. Whee!

Me at 2 years and a few months old!

Mommy and Daddy say that I wear them out with my endless energy. How can that be? Here are some clips of me singing and dancing.

July 31, 2009 - DiDi learns to turn at 7 months old

DiDi is slowly learning to move around. He sits with the stuffed animals rather comfortably, and occasionally makes the effort to to turn over. Here he is doing both! I think he's just too big to move.