Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Are Little Boys Made Of?

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That's what little boys are made of !

What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice and all things nice
That's what little girls are made of!

DiDi is getting big! He's almost 13 lbs and fits in 6-9 month clothing. He's also very messy and makes lots of diapers. He snores and squeaks all the time.

Between his diapers and my pull-ups, I think a landfill is screaming. Mr. Garbageman, please don't go on strike this year.

DiDi also produces spit-up and projectile sneezes. Look what came out of his nose the other day. I never had such a large booger! Impressive for a 1 month old!

My Favourite Playmate is Still DiDi

Despite all the fun with Edi, Ben and Lauryn, DiDi is still my favourite playmate. I can't wait until he can do more!

A PlayDate!

Edi, Ben and Lauryn came over to play! We all had lunch first. I get to sit at the table with a booster now. I don't always have to be in the highchair. Let's save it for DiDi.

DiDi Gets A Bath

Mommy tried to space out DiDi's baths to every 3rd day, but he made too much of a mess. He is bathed daily now because he pees and poops so much. Boys!

I think he'll like water as much as I do!

Great Conversationalist at 21 months

My vocabulary and conversation skills have exploded between 20 and 21 months. I'm a chatterbox who makes sense in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.

KaFu and DiDi listen to me intently.

Daddy's Sidekick

DiDi watches hockey with Daddy. Good timing as Hockey Day in Canada was just this weekend. Go Canucks!

I Love Water

I'm back at swim lessons and I'm styling deckside in my pink bath robe. Thanks Uncle Patrick and Auntie Lorraine!

I'm learning to kick and blow bubbles.

Next step is learning how to jump off the edge. I'll be swimming in no time!

Very Important Clothing

I lent DiDi this crucial bib. Wear it and you'll get your heart's desire from YehYeh and GongGong.

My Big Comfy Couch

I really enjoy my couch. KaFu. I can have a nice conversation with you! No more need to stand on my little legs all day long.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

He's my new Dolly

Thank you very much for bringing me DiDi, Mommy and Daddy. He's a great Dolly.

He squeaks and cries and opens his eyes.

When can I feed him? I share my crackers and milk with Dolly all the time.

He always squeaks more when I kiss and hug him. Don't worry, I'm trying to be gentle.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb 3/09 - Mommy being artistic

I love having Mommy at home these days. Of course, I don't listen to anyone else when she's home. She was feeling artistic with her big camera. I don't stay in one place long enough for her to take still photos anymore.