Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It continues to snow

Hmmmm.... I think it's been snowing for a week. That's a loooonnngg time for us.

My sand bucket and shovel work well with snow too.

By Christmas Eve, it had snowed too much. Look at the cars ... buried! Luckily, Auntie Ronnie had some pink snowpants. They're much warmer than my double layered jeans and sweatpants. Thanks!

Daddy brought home a sled. Auntie Arlene took me for a ride today. We went 2 blocks to Ingrid's house.

Go!! This is fun!

Happy Birthday Day Lucas!

Happy 2nd birthday Lucas!

We went to the gym and played all afternoon.
Lucas had an awesome chocolate and vanilla birthday cake made by Auntie Lynn.

Decorating our Christmas tree

The smell of fresh Christmas tree is great! I can help string the lights this year.

Why hello Doggy. I"m sure glad YehYeh brought you over. Are you having a good time watching us? Stay here while I sweep.

It started snowing after dinner

After dinner, it started snowing. Good thing for 4-wheel drive and an SUV. Vancouver drivers are terrible.

It actually snowed several days in a row. It's mid-December in Vancouver. How can this be? Aren't we supposed to be wet from rain?!

GongGong was in his element. He helped us shovel and salt the sidewalks.

This isn't too bad. I can still get around very easily.

Picking out a Christmas tree

The day was dry, Uncle T was in town and the trees were up! We went to pick out our Christmas tree. I think it'll be a Grand Fir this year.

There were trees everywhere.

We finally picked this one.

After a hard day of tree hauling, we went to have Peking duck. Hi Cousin Annabelle!

A visit from Uncle T

Uncle T came up from Portland to visit. Luckily the weather held for him to drive back down safely. Pardon me here.... you've caught me with my mouth open.

I know how to use his I-phone. There's many pictures of Auntie J and Quincy cat.

Here are some snapshots from Daddy's Blackberry while we were at dimsum. When do I get one to call my own?

A big hug for you!

I'm just sneezing here. Uncle T didn't let one rip in my tent.

Happy Birthday Mommy!

We went to Denny's for Mommy's birthday. For the first time ever, Mommy took advantage of the FREE BIRTHDAY MEAL.

Ha, ha.... gone are the days of dinner at COAST, my dear parents. No more chef's daily creations and special reserve wines. I had chicken udon and red seedless grapes (yes, I brought my own dinner). Daddy had meatloaf with extra gravy, Mommy had nachos and buffalo chicken wings while Auntie Arlene had chicken fried steak.

No one at the restaurant minded that I smushed my food and poured water everywhere. My other usual suspect restaurants are Red Robin and Boston Pizza!

Get a load of this book Daddy found in the USA!

Mommy and Daddy snuck off to Vegas one weekend. While Mommy was shopping at the maternity store, Daddy found this book in the "new parents must read" section. It's a serious publication!

Only in the US of A, only in the US of A. Pssst....Uncle Rich and Auntie Ling, please prove them wrong with Zach. :D

Furniture that fits just me

Auntie Ronnie brought over her children's table for me. I think Cousin O & I outgrew it. It's the perfect size. Thank you!

Here is another quiet moment that the parents were able to capture.

I'll sit still if you read me a book. Mommy has to sit a lot these days so she's always enticing me with many new books.

Dolly also sits with me. She's getting sleepy listening to the book in this picture. Her left eye droops but Mommy calls her "ptotic".

Some quiet time

Every so often, they catch me while I'm quiet. Shhhh..... dolly is trying to take a nap.

After a minute or two, I'm ready to play somemore! Giddyup Uncle A!

Fall arrived in Vancouver

Surprisingly, the rain stayed away for a few weeks when fall arrived. We were able to see the colours change.

It was still warm enough to go ride the swings at the park.

But, as each day went by, more leaves turned a golden yellow and floated down to the grass.

Some neighbourhoods had maple trees and their red leaves showed beautifully. So Canadian! Mommy hasn't seen this display of colour since the Halifax and Boston fall season.

But, eventually and inevitably, the Vancouver rain arrived. Fortunately, my rainboots were already purchased and I went straight out to hit the puddles and mud. Apparently, I like jumping in puddles as much as Daddy did when he was my age.