I'm mastering bedtime. After dinner, a bath, lullaby and some milk, I'm out like a light. I like sleeping on my tummy.... it let's me get up on all fours much faster so I can bang on the crib bars to call for my parents.
Auntie Julie sent some pictures from the summer. Look how small I was!
See? I slept well even back then. Mommy begs to differ.
Here are some snapshots of feeding time at the zoo.
I like peas, but am not a fan of green beans or edamame. Now squash, carrots, turkey/chicken/beef congee, ripe bananas, bread and winter melon are great!
I still have no teeth so they're brushing my gums.
Hahahaha.... I have figured out how to crawl forward. Everything is fair game for exploration. I've been getting into the laundry room, the closets, under the desk and basically anywhere my parents don't want me to go. I'm a fast dingo now. There are paper piles everywhere to rip up.
I also figured out the bye-bye hand gesture. I think Mommy was a little sad when I waved bye-bye to her as she left for work today.
I've learned quite a bit over the holidays. I can get up on all fours. If I drop my bum, I push with my hands and sit up very nicely. That's for my rest stops. When I'm ready to go again, I'm a very wobbly dingo. I creep backwards more often than forward ..... haven't figured how to coordinate my hands and feet yet. But, it's a start to freedom!
In the kitchen, where the action is! There were 18 adults eating. Good thing Mommy and Daddy had all the grandmas and aunties helping out. Uncle Terry was in charge of roasting the turkey. It made wonderful congee the week after. That's what I eat daily. Little frozen cubes are lined up in my freezer.... right next to my milk, peas and squash. Take that, baby cereal!
Like the chafing tray? Mommy's new acquisition adds that special touch for serving a crowd. Our table arrived 2 days before Christmas. It was ordered 4 months ago.... it came on the slow boat from Denmark.
Cousin Annabelle got me this xylophone/piano. She's showing me how to use it. See how hard I'm concentrating?
Why must my uncles taunt me so with bottles and liquids?
Oh the joy of new toys on the exersaucer. I can taste them all.
I've learned to give my dollie a kiss. Muah!
I even know how to give my best bud a kiss. She's always following me around, wearing the same clothes, doing what I do .... I see her in the bathroom, in this shiny frame, in the window....
Since I wasn't eating the rice cereal, Mommy bought oat cereal to try. It made my hands, my mouth, my cheeks and where I rubbed my eyes all puffy and red. There was cow's milk powder in it. I think I have a cow's milk allergy! Does that really mean no ice cream or chocolate in the future??
Well, it just proves that I'm a Chinese baby. I really like rice congee and just gobble it up.