I've reached many milestones this month. Mommy has been busy documenting everything.

I've found my toes and boy, are they tasty. Even better than my fingers.
Last month, I learned to roll from my back onto my tummy. This month, I've figured out how to roll from my tummy back the other way.

With my arms out in tripod fashion, I can stay sitting up. Sometimes, I lose balance and pitch slowly forward onto my face. Oh well, still learning.

I got my first cold this month. Please stop wiping my nose! The snot tastes yummy. See how I like to lick my lips?

I also got my first spoonful of rice cereal. It's a great mushy toy.... I like smearing it all over my clothes and face. I'll trick Mommy with a smile and then spit out the rice cereal after.
And, yes, my parents are still using the Bumbo on an elevated surface. Luckily, they're smart enough not to leave me unattended in it. By the way, I'm starting to arch out of it. I will escape it one day. GongGong is fast setting up my highchair.
Now, back to the rice cereal. It's slower in my bowels than breastmilk. I didn't have a poop for a day and when it happened....

It went everywhere! Right up my back and nearly out my neck. Straight into the bathtub for me.
I do sleep much longer 'tho. 6-9 hours each night, starting at 9pm! Mommy is so relieved. We're getting more sleep. Daddy too.... 'cause he's not waking up when we get up at midnight, 2am, 4 am and 6 am anymore.

All good.