Saturday, August 11, 2007

My Posh Papoose

I'm trialing this sling from Auntie Juliet... it's neat, but I'm not sure if Mommy knows how to use it. Will I fall out?

I'm kinda worried....

August 11, 2007

I'm 3 months old today and I know how to bring a smile to everyone!

Bumbo Training

I've got head control now!!! My Bumbo totally helped me learn to hold my head up.

It's great to sit with people and chat!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Some pix of my Mom

Playing with Mommy!

I think my grin is as big as Mickey's.

I like hiding out in my Bug. GongGong likes to peek in to see if I'm asleep or watching the bears on my blankie. PorPor has switched to a plain blue blanket so I won't be kept awake.