Portland has this Voodoo Donut shop. Small, grungy place near the bars, with plastic rats and crows in their display cases. Open 24 hours. We went for a visit.

It was AWESOME! Daddy had a Coco Puff topped donut, Mommy had an peanut butter drizzled Oreo cookie donut and YehYeh and MaMa had a mango jelly-filled, Tang powder-covered donut. There was the Texas donut too... it looked the size of a pizza!

But, the most shiver inducing one.... the bacon donut! A maple glazed longjohn topped with freshly fried bacon.

You know Daddy had to try one.

Verdict? Daddy thinks Tim Horton's or Duffin's should create one for the menu. Everyone thought it was yummy.... good bye breakfast bars!